The Ultimate in Windows Jabber Clients

WinJab is a Jabber designed to run in any Windows (32 bit) environment. Jabber is an open source instant messaging architechture being built on top of XML. Jabber clients have the capability to communicate with users of other instant messaging systems (AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, etc..) as well as other communication systems like IRC.

This client is being developed in Borland's Delphi enviroment which uses an OO variant of Pascal.

When using & navigating the Sourceforge project pages, you'll see these icons on every page:

The client is being developed using the JabberCOM COM library to interact with the Jabber server. The COM object/lib exposes several events and objects to use to communicate with the server. The source can be found in the CVS Tree.

Developers - Source Code
If you're interesting in helping with Winjab, checkout the SourceCode Information page for getting everything setup and checking out the source from CVS. Send me email if you've got a Sourceforge account and would like to contribute to the project.

If you for some reason can't figure out how to use CVS, PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL ME asking for a zip'd copy of the sourcecode.. You can download nightly tar-balls of the cvs tree directly from Sourceforge here!.

Using SSL Connections
To use the SSL connection feature of Winjab, you must download the Open SSL DLL files. This zip package contains 2 DLL's which you must place into the same directory as you installed Winjab into. These DLL's are not included by default to keep the initial download size of winjab down.
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